AVORD Pen Test Platform Supports our Clients

The world’s first online Cyber Security Consultancy service, which brings together experienced consultants and businesses in a new way.

AVORD Pen Test Platform Supports our Clients

In these uncertain times all companies are struggling to maintain operations and provide the continuity of services to clients and customers. We have noticed that hackers are attempting to take advantage of the current situation. We recommend all our clients to be extra vigilant right now for specific attack vectors. The AVORD pen test platform can help companies manage their tests while reducing their costs.

Experts from the National Cyber Security Centre have revealed a range of attacks being perpetrated online as cyber criminals seek to exploit COVID-19. The NCSC has seen an increase in the registration of webpages relating to the Coronavirus. This suggests that cyber criminals are likely to be taking advantage of the outbreak.

These attacks are versatile and can be conducted through various media. Moreover, adapted to different sectors and monetised via multiple means, including ransomware, credential theft, bitcoin or fraud.

AVORD Pen Test Platform

AVORD Services are built to support our clients – we are committed to delivering our services as normal throughout the lockdown. The platform was built with online access in mind. Importantly, because we’re an online platform, we can operate remotely without issue. Our technology and culture were built for such situations. In addition, the secure and resilient systems we’ve designed are run in the cloud. This gives us the benefit of reliability and scale when we’re responding to the demands of our customers. We are in fact broadening our services and capability not reducing them.

Seeing increased signup – we are seeing increased signup activity from both clients and testers in the last couple of weeks for the following reasons:

  • Clients – realising that they must carry on protecting their assets but must also reduce costs. Our easy to use remote testing process is providing great benefits to our clients.
  • Testers – unfortunately several penetration testing consultancies are beginning to struggle and may not survive. This has lead to testers looking for more stable options to secure their revenue such as AVORD.

Ensuring your Systems are Safe

Maintain your Security Testing – we are aware that many organisations are concerned about maintaining their regular testing regimes in this time of uncertainty. That’s why we want to reassure our existing and future clients that AVORD can provide the largest access to remote testing consultants in the UK.

With over 100 experienced testers covering all certification requirements including.

  • GOVERNMENT Cleared
  • TIGER Scheme
  • CHECK Certification
  • CREST Certification
  • CEH – Certified Ethical Hacker Certification
  • CPT – Certified Penetration Tester
  • CEPT – Certified Expert Penetration Tester
  • OSCP – Offensive Security Certified Professional
  • OSCE – Offensive Security Certified Expert
  • GPEN – Global Information Assurance Certification Penetration Tester

Not only are we leading the way in how companies plan and conduct their tests through our revolutionary, secure platform. Moreover, we can also guarantee the quality plus reduce the daily cost. Importantly something all companies are prioritising in this environment.

Supporting Our Small Business Community

Proud to be supporting small security businesses
One of the best parts of the AVORD pen test platform is how we are helping small boutique cyber security testing companies gain access to clients. Moreover ensuring they can keep working through these stressful times. We are proud to work with some of the most talented and professional testing companies in the UK. In addition to helping them to stay in business during the lockdown.

Automated internal testing – If you are looking for automated testing of internal networks, then we can provide this to. With our world leading Red team BAS service that works completely remotely without the need for reboots.

Thank you – Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a customer of AVORD. Keeping you connected is, and has always been, our number one priority. We will continue to do what it takes so that you can always rely on our services and help protect your critical assets.

So, don’t reduce your security posture just reduce the management and cost of your essential remote testing.