Is this the company that will finally reform the cybersecurity industry? This founder says yes

The world’s first online Cyber Security Consultancy service, which brings together experienced consultants and businesses in a new way.

Is this the company that will finally reform the cybersecurity industry? This founder says yes

AVORD - The company to reform the cyber security industry

Avord is a brand new security testing platform that promises to cut out the ‘middleman’ consultant from security services. We catch up with Avord’s founder and CEO, Brian Harrison, who talks corruption in the industry, and what businesses can do to better protect themselves.

It’s official, we’ve moved into darker and even more dangerous times when it comes to cybersecurity. As almost every single business has a digital arm these days, and happily takes advantage of the sales and engagement potential the internet has to offer, it means that businesses are more at risk to be infiltrated by, you guessed it, – cyber criminals.